
We offer a bespoke inquest support and legal representation service for bereaved people whose loved one has died in service or in connection with the Armed Forces. All too often bereaved families do not know that they are entitled to be legally represented at an inquest. They find themselves in the Coroner’s Court, unrepresented, facing the Ministry of Defence or other interested parties without the help, representation and support that they deserve. This may mean that the inquest does not investigate all of the issues that it ought to, or that lessons are not learned from the death.

We work closely with our expert friends at the charity INQUEST. We are members of the Inquest Lawyers Group. In this way we also ensure that military families can benefit from the experience of this expert community of lawyers and campaigners, and vice versa.

We are also able to offer some specialist psychological support in appropriate cases.

We do not have a legal aid contract although we hope in the near future to be able to undertake some limited legal aid work. In the meantime, for inquest cases where the client is eligible for legal aid, Emma Norton can be instructed to act in her capacity as a consultant solicitor for Hodge Jones and Allen solicitors. In those cases, the CMJ as a charity will continue to provide free psychological, advocacy and media support for the family.

How can you help?

The Centre for Military Justice is a small but growing charity and we rely on generous donations to carry out our vital work. We know that not everyone has the means to help us financially, but for those that do, we can say that every single penny counts.

You can also help us by joining our mailing list, so that we can keep you updated about our work and so that when we have specific asks, like sharing a social media post, we can get in touch.

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