This shocking ‘Bill of Rights’ delivers nothing for service personnel, veterans or bereaved military families

30th Aug 2022

The Government wants to repeal the Human Rights Act and replace it with a Bill of Rights.  It has been threatening to do this for years.

If this happens, rights protection in this country will be immeasurably weaker.

The Human Rights Act has, in so many cases, been the only tool available to service personnel, veterans or their bereaved families that enabled them to secure some sort of justice or accountability for the things that were done to them, or the neglect they or their loved ones suffered. We encourage readers to look at our Military Human Rights stories that have been written by service personnel, veterans or their bereaved families, explaining how the Human Rights Act helped them.

In our short written briefing on the Bill, link below, we focus upon some of the key provisions that we think are most likely to affect the armed forces

CMJ Briefing on the BBOR & the Armed Forces

The Bill of Rights is a badly flawed piece of legislation that delivers nothing for service personnel, veterans or their families.

It is not a Bill of Rights. It is a #RightsRemovalBill.

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