Our response to the Government’s consultation on reforming the Human Rights Act

CMJ response to the Government’s Modern Bill of Rights proposals

Here you can read our short response to the Government’s proposals to reform the Human Rights Act. Click on the link to access the full response.

‘The CMJ has published a series of ‘military human rights stories’, written by service personnel or their bereaved families themselves, which attempt to tell some of these stories.

We urge the Government to update its rhetoric and the stories it tells about the Human Rights Act to more accurately reflect the real experiences of people, many of them in the Armed Forces, that have only been able to achieve justice because of it.

This Consultation is the latest in a long line of proposals to repeal or amend the HRA, which appear to have been characterised by misrepresentations of the law, ignorance of the real impact of the HRA on individual lives and cheap populism. Such proposals are harmful. They chip away at the UKs commitment to the international human rights framework and risk undermining the rule of law.’


Centre for Military Justice, 8 March 2022

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